Ein synästhetisches Spiel für Kinder und Erwachsene
Der Tribun - Ensemble New Babylon meets Kagel
Things I See - starting the residency in LOT Theater (Braunschweig, D)
Alice im Wunderland, music for the young actors production
Die Gelbe Seite - new production in Tanzhaus NRW (Düsseldorf)
CHORUS - between dance and music - with TanzKollektiv Bremen
Quebéc Tour - playing at Akousma Festival 19 for Tempo Reale
starting a new dance and theatre production in D'Haus in June
Video Mapping and Light Installations in Bremerhaven
Live Video Projection Mapping for "Odyssee zum Mond" - 9. Stadtteiloper
Music for "Sh-Sh-Show Me!"
Osmotic Project: Altante's Castle in Bremen
a new piece for Ensemble New Babylon
BLO LEN in Bremen
interactive sound installation at Boxing 2022
Music for Ich bin Hazal
what happened in 2021
Rückkehr nach Reims
Qatsi Reloaded - prämiere!
the ElekTrAktions are back!