a lot of stuff! I was extremely focussed on creating / presenting my works, so I didn't think about talking about them. Here I show you a resume of my best productions 2021.
dance pieces with live electronics & video
December 2021 - Schwankhalle Bremen
foto by Marianne Menke
improvisation with percussion, light and live electronics
December 2021 - Gerhard-Marks Haus Bremen
DEMENTUM sucht Astulf in der Mine
audiovisual performance
November 2021 - Güterbahnhof Bremen
for ensemble and live electronics, Premiere at Gaida 2021
October 2021 - Vilnius, LT
The Hyperuranion Tree @ BOXRING
interactive sound installation for the performative project
September 2021
DIOSPYROS EBENUM @ Frequenz Festival Kiel
for Cello & Live Electronics, performed by Alexandra Hallén
August 2021 - Kiel
OSMOTIC PROJECT @ Atelier Fehrfeld
video session at Atelier Fehrfeld
July 2021 - Bremen
ATTO UNICO: ElekTrAktions 2021
multimedia impro performance -
Nasenbaum @ Gerhard-Marks Haus
interactive sound installation, commissioned by Kindermuseum für Bremen e.V. for the project "Smell it!"
with the support of Harm Wicke
Mai - June 2021
MEMORIE SONORE - Musei di tutti
binaural sound design for the virtual tour in Palazzo Vecchio and Innocenti Museum (Florence, IT). Commissioned by Mezzo Forte for the Project "Musei di tutti"
February - March 2021
LISTEN Palazzo Vecchio, Museo degli Innocenti